French-Italian Workshop on Robotics 4.0 for Factories of the Future

In recent decades, technological evolution has revolutionized the industrial sector, paving the way for the use of collaborative robots in factories around the world. In this context, the first French-Italian Workshop on Robotics 4.0 for Factories of the Future was held in Paris on June 8 bringing together several leading French and Italian experts in the field of robotics.

The workshop was jointly organized by the two leading robotics research institutes from both countries, the Groupement de Recherche en Robotique of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the I-RIM Istituto di Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti, the workshop proved to be an important meeting point for sharing knowledge, experiences and innovative ideas in the field of robotics. One of the most significant aspects of the workshop was the promotion of collaboration between France and Italy, well-known as leading nations in the field of robotics.

The workshop was coordinated by a panel of experts in the field, including Andrea Cherubini (Université de Montpellier), Mariagrazia Dotoli (Politecnico di Bari), Salvatore Anzalone (Université Paris 8), Mourad Benoussad (ENIT Tarbes), Antonio Frisoli (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), and Dominique Vaufreydaz (Université Grenoble Alpes). Marco Borra, scientific attaché of the Italian Embassy in France, was also present. Approximately 80 colleagues from various countries actively participated in the workshop, both in person and online.

The success of the event paved the way for future joint initiatives between the two countries. Indeed, the workshop is scheduled to be held again next year in Bari, Italy, during the upcoming IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering.

French-Italian Workshop on Robotics 4.0 for factories of the future

Negli ultimi decenni, l’evoluzione tecnologica ha rivoluzionato il settore industriale, aprendo la strada all’uso di robot collaborativi nelle fabbriche di tutto il mondo. In questo contesto, l’8 giugno si è tenuto a Parigi il primo French-Italian Workshop on Robotics 4.0 for factories of the future, un evento che ha riunito per la prima volta i maggiori esperti francesi e italiani nel campo della robotica.

Organizzato dai principali istituti di ricerca di robotica dei due paesi, il Groupement de Recherche en Robotique del Centre national de la recherche scientifique e l’Istituto di Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti, il workshop ha dimostrato di poter essere un importante punto di incontro per la condivisione di conoscenze, esperienze e idee innovative nel campo della robotica. Uno degli aspetti più significativi del workshop è stata la possibilità di promuovere la collaborazione tra Francia e Italia, paesi leader nel settore della robotica.

Il workshop è stato organizzato da una serie di esperti del settore, tra cui Andrea Cherubini (Université de Montpellier), Mariagrazia Dotoli (Politecnico di Bari), Salvatore Anzalone (Université Paris 8), Mourad Benoussad (ENIT Tarbes), Antonio Frisoli (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Dominique Vaufreydaz (Université Grenoble Alpes). Era presente Marco Borra, attaché scientifico dell’ambasciata italiana in Francia. Hanno partecipato al workshop circa 80 colleghi da molti paesi, sia in presenza che online.

La buona riuscita dell’evento ha spianato la strada per future iniziative di collaborazione tra i due paesi. L’evento verrà infatti riproposto il prossimo anno a Bari, in Italia, durante la prossima IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering.

ARTES 5.0 Presentation

Roma, 5th May 2023- Auditorium Inail

ARTES 5.0 Presentation-Restart Italy “Robotica e Intelligenza artificiale a sostegno di catene del valore resilienti, sostenibili e incentrate sull’uomo”.

The Institute is European digital innovation hub (EDIH) ARTES 5.0 partner and promotes the effort within digital technologies to make health and work conditions better.

Fill in the registration here

I-RIM is ARTES 5.0 partner

I-RIM is partner of the ARTES 5.0 European project!

Artes 5.0 aims to promote digital technologies, with a specific focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, to power sustainable, anthropocentric and resilient value chains through science-based technological and cultural discontinuities, in line with current challenges faced by the Union Europea and with the Digital Europe Program.

I-RIM will strengthen the ARTES5.0 ecosystem network of collaborations with regional, national and international bodies, trade associations, chambers of commerce, Competence Centers, Technology Clusters, Digital Innovation Hubs, knowledge innovation centers and communities and operators of technology transfer. Our association will organize scientific and technological events, the Italian Convention on Robotics and Intelligent Machines, a 3-day event, and thematic workshops!

SoftAct e PRO-GAIT projects

I robot per la neuroriabilitazione e l’assistenza si stanno diffondendo sempre più. Hanno però ancora il grosso limite di agire sulla base di parametri preimpostati, che non tengono conto delle modificazioni della reattività cerebrale e muscolare.
I membri di I-RIM dell’Università di Padova stanno lavorando ai progetti di ricerca internazionali SOFTAct e PRO-GAIT per rivoluzionare la funzionalità dei robot indossabili, rendendoli strumenti in grado interagire con l’utilizzatore tramite segnali muscolo-scheletrici elaborati da tecniche di intelligenza artificiale. Questo permetterà, in un prossimo futuro, ai robot indossabili di diventare una estensione naturale del corpo umano.
Per partecipare al webinar di presentazione dei risultati dei due progetti il giorno 2 dicembre 2021 ore 15:00, iscriversi a questo form


On December 3 the meeting: “Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti: il ruolo dei Competence Center“.

I-RIM organizes at MECSPE CONNECT the Workshop “Robotics and Intelligent Machines: the role of Competence Centers”.
With this event, the Institute presents itself to the corporate public of the MECSPE fair, proposing itself as a national interlocutor on research and technology transfer in robotics and intelligent machines.
I-RIM also offers Industry 4.0 Competence Centers the opportunity to discuss the progress of their respective projects, the services offered to companies and the relevance of robotics and intelligent machines in the manufacturing industry.


Thursday 3 December 2020 09: 45-11: 15

Paolo Rocco (member of the CD of I-RIM)

Panel discussion
Alessandro Garnero, New Techniques

Lorna Vatta, Executive Director – ARTES 4.0
Stefano Cattorini, General Manager – BI-REX
Enrico Pisino, Chief Executive Officer – CIM 4.0
Augusto De Castro, General Manager – MADE
Leopoldo Angrisani, Coordinator of the technical / scientific committee – Meditech
Matteo Faggin, General Manager – SMACT
Cristina Battaglia, Executive Manager – START4.0

To participate in the event, you must register on the MECSPE CONNECT platform: