Fever Scout, is a device to monitor and analyze body temperature in real-time, even during sleep though wearable sensors, without the need of contact with the patient. Recently, the Shanghai Public Health Clinic used VivaLNK’s continuous temperature sensors to tackle the spread of coronavirus in China.
Archives: Progetti
EVA Robot
Eva robots design and build robots able to clean and disinfect open spaces. With a pre-set route, they automatically, efficiently, and accurately spray, disinfect, and clean the targeted space.
EpiMetrics is an analytics-based system that targets the real time detection of epidemic disease outbreaks. This system is able to detect fast spreading of diseases in specific location, and generate a map to keep track of the growth. EpiMetrics proposes an innovative monitoring and visualizing tool to increase clarity and accuracy of results.
Dr. UG is an AI platform for developing new drugs that is based on DEARGEN’s deep learning technology. It specializes in genome data analysis, biomarker prediction, molecule selection and optimization. Deargen is now using their deep learning technology to generate new antivirals, but they need partners to help them develop the molecules.
Double 3
Double 3 is a self-driving, two-wheeled videoconferencing robot. It enables telecommuters, remote workers, and students to feel more connected to their colleagues by giving them a physical presence where they can’t be in person. Driving your own Double means you are free to roam around the office, attend meetings, visit work sites, or go to class from anywhere in the world.
Cruzr is a customizable, cloud-based, intelligent humanoid service robot designed for Retail 4.0, exhibitions, hotels, healthcare, finance and other enterprise service scenarios. Cruzr has been used in the Third People’s Hospital of Shenzen during COVID-19 outbreak for remote diagnosis.
The YuMi ABB robot is designed to help complete the time-consuming and repetitive work found around the hospital lab: such as loading and unloading centrifuges, pipetting, sorting test tubes or preparing medicines. All are common medical laboratory tasks that robotic automation may be able to support by combining consistent performance with a level of flexibility and continuous operation that could increase throughput and quality while minimizing costs. Now there is an ongoing collaboration with ABB POLIMI and CNR to test its introduction in Italians hospitals.
COVID Symptom Tracker
Covid Symptom tracker is an application developed in UK to provide patients’ daily data to infectious disease epidemiologists. The aim of the study is understanding which symptoms
being reported are COVID-19, even if mild, and mapping the areas of the country which need more support including hospital space, test kits and staff.
CoVent is the ventilator designed by Dyson to “address the specific needs” of coronavirus patients. n the next weeks the prototype will be out to be tested, and the race will be to get it into large scale production to provide support to clinicians and hospitals.
CloudMinds’ Thermometry system
CloudMinds’ thermometry system helped in checking peoples’ temperature as they enter the hospital. If a person entering the hospital showed fever symptoms, the AI platform would alert medical staff. CloudMinds donated robots to several medical facilities in China, including the Wuhan Wuchang Smart Field Hospital.