
Dustbot is a robot developed for the collection of urban waste. In these days it will be readapted for hospital use for sanitizing rooms. A sistem that will allow you to have those direct contacts with patients affected by Covid-19 and who are making doctors and health workers around the world sick. Within a week or a maximum of 10 days, the test will begin at the Monasterio institute in Pisa.

CRESCO6 Supercomputer

One of the most powerful computers in Italy and the world is now available to public and private scientific research committed against coronavirus. The super computer is called CRESCO6 and is operational at the ENEA Center in Portici (NA). The CRESCO6 HPC infrastructure is capable of performing up to 1.4 million billion mathematical operations per second and is currently available to the
researchers from the University of Florence, which is working on a process to block the replication mechanism of Covid-1.

Cobas 8100

The cobas 8100 intelligent tube transport provides a short predictable time to results, including the ability to prioritizate for emergency samples. With flexible workflows, early error detection and fully automated add-on handling, cobas 8100 allows for personalized solutions to suit individual laboratory needs, guaranteeing that quality comes first.


AllertaLOM, is the new app from Regione Lombardia, developed by ARIA SpA. The app allows to receive insitutional communications and alerts. Moreover, the app provides a questionaire to evaluate the subject health status and symptoms and mapping the areas of the country more affected by the COVID-19.


AIThermometer is a code for automatically measuring the temperature of people using a thermal camera. The software can be freely used for any non-commercial applications and it is useful for the automatic early-screening of fever symptoms. The code is open and can be improved with your support.

Mobile Disinfection Robot

With the outbreaking Covid19 emergency, Siemens and Aucma joined the forces and in just one week, from the design to the production of a sample, created an intelligent disinfection robot, able to operate autonomously and with high efficiency and care.


Leia – AI physician is an AI system able to assist physician, though pre-evaluation, preparation of disease overview and hypothesis of diagnoses. The major target is to free the time of physicians from easy and repetitive tasks, leaving more time for what actually matters.

Intouch Vita

Intouch Vita is a mobile base with a large screen on top. It can be remotely controlled allowing clinician to visit COVID-19 patients limiting the risks of contamination by direct contact and reducing the time spent for wearing protections. This robot is currently used in Italy in the Rimini and Varese hospitals.


HARIX (Human Augmented Robot Intelligence with eXtreme Reality) is an AI platform, synced with smart bracelets and rings worn by patients, able to monitor patient vital signs (including temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen levels), and allowing doctors and nurses outside the facility to monitor all patient vital information remotely on one interface.


Geriatronics targets the medical care of elderly people, for the maintenance and improvement of self-determination in old age. The goals of the technologies developed in geriatronics are on the one hand the maintenance of mobility as well as interpersonal interaction and communication in old age, and on the other hand independence through technical and intuitively operated, adaptive assistance systems.