I-RIM Kick-Off
The 3 days conference will start with a brief introduction of Antonio Bicchi (I-RIM president). After that, Paolo Dario e Bruno Siciliano will follow with two speech on the history and the future of robotics in Italy.
Greetings and Visions of the Future
- Associations: Delegates of all major associations in the field of robotics and automation will share their view about the intelligent machines world. Speakers: Antonio Vicino (CUN, tbc), Sauro Longhi (SIDRA), Maria Chiara Carrozza (GNB), Rita Cucchiara (AIIS), Domenico Appendino (SIRI), Carlo Marchisio (ANIPLA), Franco Mosca (ARPA), Bernd Liepert (EuRobotics).
- Business: Some of the most important industrial businesses in robotics and intelligent machines in the world will discuss European and Italian perspectives in the field. Speakers: Simon Haddadin (FRANKA), Thierry Delmas (OnRobot), Gianluigi Viscardi (INTELLIMECH), Arturo Baroncelli (COMAU), Michele Pedretti (ABB), Christian Amoroso (UNIVERSAL ROBOT), Paolo Vaniglia (KUKA), Fabio Bonomo (qbrobotics).
- Jean-Paul Laumond: Robotics beyond AI: the Science of Motion
- Bram Vanderborght: Homo Roboticus: creating synergies between man and robot.
- Bernd Liepert: Stimulating the European Robotics ecosystem – from science to solutions
- Sami Haddadin: Robotics and artificial intelligence: The human is the center of technology.
Leading personalities from research, industry and institutions will share their views on the hottest issues of the ongoing technological transformation with a large audience: AI and Robotics, Training, Research Enhancement, Harmonization of public and private transfer tools technological:
- Machine Intelligence and Intelligent Machines
Alessandro Ranellucci will animate a round table discussion on AI and Robotics, and the conceptual, technical and ethical challenges that physical applications of intelligent machines raise to the present paradigm of machine intelligence based on black-box processing of big data - From research to the market: Paths, opportunities, and obstacles
Franco Canna will introduce a debate in three parts on the difficult path from research to business and the challenges of technology transfer. What new approaches, new education, new instruments shoudl be applied fo Italy to grab the opportunities of the digital transformation of our machines?
You can find the program of all the presentations (5 minutes each) at the following link: Pitches list. For each presentation, you can find an Extended Abstract (pdf format) and a short video describing the work.
You can find the list of all the accepted posters, organized in sessions, at the following link: Posters List. For each presentation, you can find an Extended Abstract (pdf format) and an additional video (if present).
You can find the list of all the workshops at the following link: Workshops/Tutorials List. For each presentation, you can find an Extended Abstract (pdf format).
Social Dinner
The social dinner will take place Saturday 19th at Circo Massimo Exclusive Suite, via dei Cerchi, 87 Roma.
How to reach the location:
– Get the FL1 train from Fiera di Roma station to Roma Ostiense
– Move by walk to Piramide station
– Change here and take the Metro B line from Piramide station to Circo Massimo station
Download HERE all the information to reach the social dinner
Scarica il flyer con le indicazioni