1) Prepare an Extended Abstract of your work in English, with a maximum length of 2 pages in A4 page, double column format. Templates in Word e in LaTeX (IEEE formats) are available, which contain information on their use. Generate then the PDF file for submission.
Contributions are solicited presenting innovative results in all areas of robotics and intelligent machines. The conference aims to disseminate scientific and industrial/application results that convey the status and trends of research activities in the field and illustrate the latest technologies.
2) You can optionally upload a video accompanying your Extended Abstract. Please limit the duration to about 2 minutes. Videos should be in .mp4, .mpg, .wmv, or .mov format. Maximum size is 50 MB. Standard codecs should be used for portability. Avoid commercial content.
3) Go to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=conferenzairim2019. If you have no EasyChair account, you should first create one. Follow the link “create an account”, enter the requested data, and return to the submission procedure.
4) Choose the option “Conferenza I-RIM 2019” (our conference!) on the main page.
5) Enter information about each author. Email addresses and affiliations are mandatory. Choose the corresponding author(s) for this submission —usually, but not necessarily, only one.
6) Enter the title of your work, an abstract that should not exceed 500 characters, and at least three keywords, one per line.
7) Upload the Extended Abstract file and, optionally, the Video Attachment and submit.
8) All authors will receive an acknowledgement mail.
9) By logging again in EasyChair, it is possible to modify the data and to reupload the files until the submission deadline.
Submissions will be evaluated by the Program Committee and Program Chairs. The decision on acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author(s) by the notification date.
Accepted contributions will be presented at the conference in oral and/or interactive sessions. The extended abstracts will be collected in the digital proceedings of the conference. Accompanying videos will be available online. Authors will be asked to prepare a summary slide (in .pptx or .key) to be included in the conference digest that is distributed to all participants.