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Instructions for the submission of a Workshop Proposal

1) Prepare a proposal in English of the workshop that you plan to organize. The proposal should not exceed 2 A4 pages of length in a free format. Generate then the PDF file for submission.

Workshops on key themes or on new scientific and technological challenges will have a standard duration of two hours. The complete proposal should contain:

–    title, organizers with affiliations, and workshop format

–    speakers, with their affiliations, and intended audience

–    possible outcomes (e.g., publications, videos, further events)

2) You can optionally upload extra material to support or complement your workshop proposal. The format of this material is completely free. You should compress it in a single zipped folder (format .zip) of maximum size 50MB.

3) Go to If you have no EasyChair account, you should first create one. Follow the link “create an account”, enter the requested data, and return to the submission procedure.

4) Choose the option “Workshops I-RIM 2019” on the main page.

5) Enter information about each organizer (denoted anyway as “author”). Email addresses and affiliations are mandatory. Select the corresponding organizer(s) of the workshop —usually more than one.

6) Enter the title of the workshop, an abstract that should not exceed 500 characters, and at least three keywords, one per line.

7) Upload the Workshop Proposal file and, optionally, the Extra Materials, and submit.

8) All organizers will receive an acknowledgement mail.

9) By logging again in EasyChair, it is possible to modify the data and reupload the files until the submission deadline.

Workshop proposals will be evaluated by the Workshop Chairs and Program Chairs. The decision on acceptance will be sent to the corresponding organizer(s) by the notification date. Information on workshops will be included in the conference digest that is distributed to all participants.