The Institute
The National Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, abbreviated I-RIM, is a non-profit organization, established as an Association.
The purpose of I-RIM is to encourage the development and use of robotic technologies and intelligent machines and to improve the quality of life, the well-being of citizens and the conditions of society in general.
I-RIM intends to do this through the development of new solutions, which through application transfer improve working conditions, personal assistance to individuals, production and its sustainability. This means attributing economic value to research, becoming an organizational reference at national level for its members, and an interlocutor for stakeholders and public institutions on the topics of Robotics and Intelligent Machines
We believe in the importance in contributing to the creation and strengthening of a national stakeholders group in the field of Robotics and Intelligent Machines, and in general in the of InterAction Technologies, which works side by side and cooperates synergistically with the associations and organizations focused on Information Technologies to achieve common goals in the interests of the entire society. I-RIM helps companies – belonging to the Institute – to identify their own needs for innovation, promoting industrial application and the transformation of research results into new products and / or new production processes. I-RIM creates opportunities for the matching between high-tech demand and supply on a national and international scale, for example between industrial districts looking for advanced technology to innovate and further improve their products and processes, and country areas where there is avant-garde research but where is less industrial correspondence on their territory. I-RIM provides support to the organization of training courses that respond to businesses needs, in collaboration with its associated, interpreting various territories training needs to create highly qualified job opportunities and contribute to technology transfer.
Antonio Bicchi
Deputy Vicepresident
Giuseppe Carbone
Executive Board
Antonio Bicchi, Giuseppe Carbone, Alessandro De Luca, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Cecilia Laschi, Claudio Melchiorri, Paolo Rocco, Antonio Sgorbissa, Bruno Siciliano.
Executive Vicepresidents:
- Technical Activities Committee: Federica Pascucci, Calogero Oddo.
- Conference and Fair Activities Committee: Barbara Mazzolai, Domenico Prattichizzo.
- Publications’ Activities Committee: Emanuele Menegatti, Giuseppe Oriolo.
- Memership Activities Committee: Lucia Pallottino, Monica Malvezzi, Antonio Sgorbissa.
- Industrial Activities Committee: Andrea Maria Zanchettin, Irene Sardellitti, Antonio Frisoli
- Regulatory and Planning Activities Committee: Paolo Dario, Alessandro De Luca.
Executive Director
Maria Fossati
Founding members
Antonio Bicchi, Fabrizio Caccavale, Barbara Caputo, Paolo Dario, Alessandro De Luca, Paolo Fiorini, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Cecilia Laschi, Lorenzo Marconi, Claudio Melchiorri, Giorgio Metta, Domenico Prattichizzo, Paolo Rocco, Sergio Savaresi, Bruno Siciliano.
Renewal of Executive Board
In December 2024 the current Executive Board will have completed two mandates and cannot therefore be need. Elections for the new Executive Board are scheduled for October 2024 during I-RIM 3D Conference. If you wish to apply fill out the Executive Board application form