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I-RIM Debates

Friday 13: 30-15: 00, Room: 10F

Machine Intelligence and Intelligent Machines

Moderator: Alessandro Ranellucci, Digital Transformation Team

We will talk about AI and Robotics, of the challenges to Big Data-based Machine Intelligence approaches by the physical applications of Intelligent Machines will bring into the future – one of the key themes of I-RIM.

Friday 15:00 to 18:00, Room: 10F

From research to the market: Routes, opportunities, and obstacles

Moderator: Franco Canna, Director of Innovation Post

Part 1: From research to business, the challenges of technology transfer

Among the ideas born in research laboratories and the development of useful and economically sustainable products, the road is fraught with difficulties that often make it compare to a “valley of death”. How to organize to overcome it? Organized by Sergio Savaresi, Fabrizio Caccavale, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Claudio Melchiorri and Giorgio Metta, the debate will involve Vincenzo Russi (CEO eNovia), Stefano Guarino (AITeM Secretary), Ruggero Frezza (President M31), Domenico Maria Caprioli (Senior Advisor-Digital Strategy & Innovation, PwC).

Part 2: What training to take up the Digital challenge?

A meeting to reflect on how to learn and teach digital companies, to outline a panorama of educational robotics and intelligent machines in the university, in lifelong learning for new technologies, and in creating a job market place for the digital industry . Organized by Lorenzo Marconi and Paolo Fiorini, will be attended by Giuseppe Travaglini (Professor of Economic Policy and CUN Counselor for Area13), Enrico Sangiorgi (Vice-Chancellor of UNIBO Education), Ivan Colosimo (ELIS Digital University Development Manager), Andrea Bozzoli (CEO HPE / Coxa), Marco Arrobbio (Leonardo – Finmeccanica Unmanned Systems Competence and Excellence Centers), Mirta Michilli (Director General Fondazione Mondo Digitale).

Part 3: SMEs to the challenge of digitalization: a compass for orientation

Towards convergence and coordination of public and private efforts for technology transfer and new businesses. Competence centers, Clusters, KICS, DIH, Incubators, Technological Poles, etc .: How to work together? Is it possible to harmonize these instruments, still dissonant today? Organized by Paolo Rocco, Paolo Dario, and Stefano Panzieri, the debate will see the participation of Antonio Romeo (Unioncamere), Valentina Carlini (DIH Confindustria), Paolo Rocco (MADE Competence Center),  Marco Bellezza (Ministry of Economic Development) , Massimiliano Dragoni (European Commission).