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Why choosing I-RIM?

I-RIM collaborates with important Italian and International Institutions:

  • MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research),
  • MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development) 
  • other competent Ministries, Regions and Local Authorities,
  • the European Commission

Cooperation is fundamental for us, to support the definition and implementation of Italian and European research, innovation and technology development programs, demonstration and training in the field of InterAction Technologies – IAT.

We as well collaborate with regional, national and international bodies, industrial associations, chambers of commerce, Competence Centers, Technology Clusters, Digital Innovation Hubs, Knowledge Innovation Centers and Communities, technological centers, incubators and technology transfer operators …

What else?

I-RIM organizes scientific and technological events, in which researchers update companies on available or possible technologies, while companies display their achievements and needs. It will be the task of I-RIM to foster understanding and sharing among different types of stakeholders through the use of adequate organizational and training tools. I-RIM can subscribe agreements with scientific, research and economic institutions, both Italian and foreign, public and private that operate in the sectors of activity specified above for collaboration, and can participate in consortium, companies, associations or foundations that share goals.







Download the Activities Reports (Italian)





Download the Budget Reports (Italian)