COVID ROBOT PRO is a robotic platform derived from inspection robots. It can disinfect environments and surfaces without contact by irradiation with ultraviolet UV-C light. The system was developed within the ROBOTICS-RESTART project.
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COVID ROBOT PRO is a robotic platform derived from inspection robots. It can disinfect environments and surfaces without contact by irradiation with ultraviolet UV-C light. The system was developed within the ROBOTICS-RESTART project.
Istituto di Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti | Largo Lazzarino, 1 - Pisa | C.F. 93092770507
Ente iscritto alla sezione "ALTRI ENTI DEL TERZO SETTORE", del registro unico nazionale del Terzo Settore, ai sensi dell'arti. 22 del D. Lgs. del 3 luglio 2017 n.117 e dell'art. 17 Decreto Ministeriale n. 106 del 15/09/2020. Data certificazione ss.m:04/01/2023