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Instructions for Pitch video and Digest submission

Instructions for submitting a video for the Pitch

1) All the accepted pitch works authors, have to submit a short video (.mp4 format) that summarise the main points of the work. The submitted video has to be less then 300 seconds in length. (N.B. Suggested resolutions: 1920×1080 or 1440×1080 at 30fps. Please, use only standard codecs. During the presentation, the audio will be turned of. However, you can add an audio track if you want to use the same video for different purposes. ) 2) Send an email at with a link to your video (using Drive, Dropbox or other cloud storage provider). Specify in the email object the submission identifier number (e.g. I-RIM conference 2019 pitch video XX). The deadline for submitting a video is October 5th. WARNING: The submitted video must not contain materials subject to copyright.

Instructions for submitting the Digest

1) All authors accepted to join I-RIM 2019 conference must prepare a single slide (in italian) to describe the main points of the proposed work. 2) Download here slide template to use (PowerPoint .pptx format) and fill it as described in the template. No other different formats and templates are accepted.  3) Send the an e-mail to containing a link where to download the slide. Please use an online archive, such as Drive or Dropbox. Send the material before October, 5th 2019. This deadline is mandatory. 4) All the slides will be collected and listed in a paper book (Digest), according oral and poster sessions schedule. The Digest will be distributed to all conference participants.