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Executive Board election

I-RIM, as foreseen by the regulation, it is about to renew its Executive Board!

Are you interested in proposing your application? If so, follow this link and send both the motivation for your application and your professional profile to info@i-rim.it no later than February 28th!

The Executive Board, which administers the Association, remains in office for the duration of three years and it is made up of a minimum of 5 up to 9 members, these are appointed by the Assembly  among its members. The members of the Board can be re-elected up to a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Which are the Executive Board’s powers?

The Ezecutive Board is invested with the widest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association including, among others, those to:

a) ensure the achievement of the aims of the Association;
b) call the assemblies;
c) deliberate on the admission of new members and adopting the forfeiture measures;
d) draw up the budget and final balance;

g) prepare regulations and rules for the organization and operation
e) identify activities other than those of general interest pursuant to art. 6 of Legislative Decree 117/2017;

f) draw up the budget and final balance and eventually the social one; of the Association;

h)  purchase and dispose of movable and immovable property; accept inheritances and legacies; determine the use of contributions, disbursements and financial means available to the Association;
i) establish the amount of the membership fees for each financial year;
l) submit to the assembly, after an appropriate examination, proposals, reports, motions formulated by the members and amendments to the statute;
m) negotiate and conclude with credit institutions the granting of loans, mortgages or other forms of financing and also by providing guarantees in favor of the Association;
n) decide on the participation of the Association in public tenders or selective procedures, however named, by preparing and signing the relative deeds;
o) establish and / or join associations, foundations, companies, temporary associations, joint ventures, consortia, networks, sign memoranda of understanding and in general put in place the most appropriate forms of collaboration with third parties;
p) assign tasks to third parties for the realization of the statutory purposes;
q) deliberate on any matter that is not expressly delegated to the assembly or to other bodies by the present statute.